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Geothermal energy conversion system for maximum energy extraction


专利汇可以提供Geothermal energy conversion system for maximum energy extraction专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A geothermal energy transfer and energy utilization system makes use of thermal energy stored in hot solute-bearing well water to generate super-heated steam from an injected flow of clean water; the super-heated steam is then used for operating a turbinedriven pump at the well bottom for pumping the hot solute-bearing water or brine at high pressure and always in liquid state to the earth''s surface, where it is used by transfer of its heat to a closed-loop heat exchanger-turbine-alternator combination for the generation of electrical power. The steam exhausted from the deep well pump-driving turbine is also returned to the earth''s surface, where its residual energy is efficiently extracted in the surface power generating system and where it is then converted into cooled water for return to the deep well pumping system. Residual concentrated solute-bearing water is normally pumped back into the earth.,下面是Geothermal energy conversion system for maximum energy extraction专利的具体信息内容。

1. In geothermal deep well pump apparatus of the kind including geothermal energy exchange means for providing a working fluid, motor driven pump means responsive to said working fluid for pumping geothermal fluid always in liquid state for flow in cooperative energy exchange relation with respect to said geothermal energy exchange means to a remote station, and means for conveying said working fluid, after driving said motor driven pump means, to said remote station, energy conversion means at said remote station comprising: first conduit means for conveying said geothermal fluid through first heat exchanger means, second heat exchanger means in cooperative thermal energy exchange relation with said first heat exchanger means for heating and conveying an organic fluid having a lower boiling point than said geothermal fluid, a plurality of flash tank means operating at successively decreasing pressure levels for separating said organic fluid into finite organic vapor and organic liquid portions within each said flash tank means, turbine motor means having a plurality of stages for driving power generator means, second conduit means for supplying said organic fluid from said second heat exchanger means to the first of said plurality of flash tank means, plural vapor conduit means for coupling said organic vapor portions from each said respective flash tank means for driving corresponding stages of said turbine motor means, plural liquid conduit means for coupling said organic liquid portions from each respective flash tank means into a next succeeding flash tank means except for the last of said plurality of flash tank means, plural turbine exhaust conduit means for coupling respective outputs of said plurality of turbine stages to respective inputs of all but said first and last flash tank means, third conduit means for coupling said organic liquid portions from said last flash tank means for flow into said second heat exchanger means, and condenser means coupled to the last of said turbine motor stages for supplying condensed organic liquid to said second heat exchanger means.
2. Apparatus as described in claim 1 further including third heat exchanger means within one of said flash tank means for condensing said working fluid for return thereof to said geothermal energy exchanger means for providing said working fluid.
3. Apparatus as described in claim 2 wherein said third heat exchanger means is disposed in thermal energy exchange relation with said organic liquid portion within said one of said flash tank means.
4. Apparatus as described in claim 2 wherein said one of said flash tank means is coupled intermediate the first and last of said plurality of flash tank means.
5. Apparatus as described in claim 4 wherein the normal operating temperature within said one of said plurality of flash tank means is slightly below the temperature of said working fluid passing through said third heat exchanger means.
6. Apparatus as described in claim 2 additionally including pump means at the output of said third heat exchanger means for pumping said condensed working fluid to said geothermal energy exchanger means.
7. Apparatus as described in claim 1 further including first pump means coupled in active relation to said third conduit means.
8. Apparatus as described in claim 7 further including second pump means disposed between said condenser means and said second heat exchanger means for cooperative operation with respect to said first pump means.
9. Apparatus as described in claim 2 further including means coupled to said first heat exchanger means for re-injecting said geothermal fluid into the earth.






