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Tester for current transformer


专利汇可以提供Tester for current transformer专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To ensure the high-accuracy measurement for the linearity of the current transformer by increasing the amplification degree of the differential amplifier and the like with linkage to the current transformer to be tested in case the transformer features a high accuracy.
CONSTITUTION: The current is flown to the resistance load from AC power source 1 via breaker 2, under-test current transformer 3 and standard current transformer 4 each. The secondary sides of both transformers 3 and 4 are connected to differential amplifier 13-1 in a differential way. In case transformer 3 features a high accuracy, the amplification degree of amplifier 13-1 is increased, and at the same time the amplification is increased interlocking trasformer 13-1 also for amplifier 13-2 which is connected to the output of transformer 4. The percentage is obtained through error display driving circuit 15-1 for the value obtained by dividing the output of 13-1 by the output of 13-2, and then dispalyed after a fixed time. In this way, the linearity of transformer 3 can be measured with a high accuracy.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1980,JPO&Japio,下面是Tester for current transformer专利的具体信息内容。







