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High voltage watch power supply


专利汇可以提供High voltage watch power supply专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A power supply for a watch including voltage multiplying means or transforming means to increase the voltage of a power cell to a higher voltage capable of operating electrical and electronic devices used in watches requiring voltage higher than the conventional 1.5 volts. These include highly efficient quartz oscillators and dividing units, MOS integrated circuits, solid state indicating systems, crystals, piezoelectrical and electrostatic motors and piezoelectric alarm systems, and associated systems. A DC-AC converter or chopper is connected respectively to a voltage multiplier or transformer and the high voltage output therefrom is suitable for driving various types AC or DC systems used in watches. The use of a plurality of batteries or other undesirable structures is thereby avoided.,下面是High voltage watch power supply专利的具体信息内容。

1. A high voltage power supply for a watch comprising: a low voltage power supply, an oscillator connected to the low voltage power supply and driven thereby, means for converting the oscillator output into a series of pulses, means for increasing the voltage of the output from the converting means to provide a high voltage output, and means driven by the high voltage output from the voltage increasing means to indicate time.
2. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 1 wherein: the converting means comprises a DC-AC converter for changing the oscillator input to AC pulses, said means being connected to the power supply, the voltage increasing means comprises a voltage multiplier, and the driven means comprises a watch motor.
3. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 2 further including: a DC-AC converter connected to the voltage multiplier to provide an AC output to the driven means, and, wherein the driven means comprises an AC motor.
4. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 1 wherein: the converting means comprises a chopper for changing the oscillator output into DC pulses, the voltage increasing means comprises a transformer, and, the driven means comprises a watch motor.
5. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 4 wherein: a rectifier is connecteD to the tranformer output to provide a DC output therefrom, and, the driven means comprises a DC motor.
6. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 2 wherein: the voltage multiplier comprises a plurality of cascaded doubler stages, and the oscillator includes a multivibrator.
7. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 1 wherein: the converting means comprises a DC-AC converter for changing the oscillator input to AC pulses, said means being connected to the power supply, the voltage increasing means comprises a voltage multiplier, the driven means comprises a display.
8. A high voltage power supply for a watch in accordance with claim 1 wherein: the converting means comprises a chopper for changing the oscillator output in DC pulses, the voltage increasing means comprises a transformer, and, the driven means comprises a display.






