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Recording system having digital control for controlling recording medium movement


专利汇可以提供Recording system having digital control for controlling recording medium movement专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A digital control for a recording system to provide incremental lengths of a recording medium between recordings of an input signal using digital counters to count signals representative of the passage of incremental lengths of the recording medium to either control the blanking and unblanking of a cathode ray tube used to record on the recording medium along a horizontal sweep action recording line or to control the motion of the recording medium after the termination of a recording operation.,下面是Recording system having digital control for controlling recording medium movement专利的具体信息内容。

1. A recording system for recording on a recording medium comprising: means for recording on the recording medium along a recording line defined by said means for recording and for producing a passage of a succession incremental lengths of the recording medium past said recording line following the recording on the recording medium, means for detecting the passage of the recording medium past said means for recording to produce a series of output signals with each signal being representative of the passage of an incremental length of said recording medium past said means for recording, counting means connected to said means for detecting for counting said output signals representative of the passage of incremental lengths of the recording medium, control means connected to said means for counting and being responsive to a selectively variable count in said counting means for producing a control signal for said means for recording, and circuit means for applying said control signal to said means for recording to produce a predetermined incremental length movement of the recording medium between recordings by said means for recording.
2. A recording system as set forth in claim 1 wherein said means for recording includes motor means arranged to drive said recording medium past said means for recording and said last-mentioned means includes means for selectively applying said control signal as an energizing signal to said motor means.
3. A recording system as set forth in claim 1 wherein said recording means includes means for generating a signal representative of a recording cycle and including means for applying said signal representative of a recording cycle to said counting means to reset said counting means at the end of a recording cycle.
4. A recording system as set forth in claim 1 wherein said means for recording includes recording intensity control means having a bi-stable mode of operation between a record producing and a recording inhibiting state, and including a second counting means for counting said output signals and circuit means connected between said second counting means and said recording intensity control means to produce a first mode of operation of said recording intensity control means during a first predetermined count by said second counting means and a second mode of operation of said recording intensity control means during a second predetermined count by said second counting means.
5. A recording system as set forth in claim 1 wherein said said counting means means includes a digital counter means arranged to produce an output signal upon the attainment of a predetermined count.
6. A recording system as set forth in claim 4 wherein said second counting means includes a digitial counter means arranged to produce an output signal upon the attainment of a predetermined count.
7. A recording system as set forth in claim 6 wherein said first-mentioned counting means includes a digital counter means arranged to produce an output signal upon the attainment of a predetermined count.
8. A recording system as set forth in claim 4 wherein said recording means includes means for generating a signal representative of a recording cycle and including means for applying said signal representative of a recording cycle to said first-mentioned counting means and said second counting means to reset both counting means at the end of a recording cycle.
9. A recording system as set forth in claim 4 wherein said means for recording includes motor means arranged to drive the recording medium past said means for recording and said control signal is applied as an energizing signal to said motor means.
10. A recording system as set forth in claim 9 wherein said means for detecting includes a roller in contact with the recording medium, a code wheel attached to said roller to be rotatably driven thereby and means for sensing the passage of said code wheel past said means for sensing.






