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Signal control unit


专利汇可以提供Signal control unit专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To ensure the smooth practical use for the direct branching as well as to realize an easy formation of LSI for the unit which processes the branching on the flow chart, by dividing the ROM into the blocks corresponding to the branch number.
CONSTITUTION: The following units are provided: ROM1 which sets the program code to each address; data register 2 which sets temporarily the program code read from ROM1; and selector circuit 3 which is installed between register 2 and ROM1 and gives control based on the arithmetic result of the preceding step or the using step respectively. IN addition,address register 4 is installed to send the supplied address signal to address decoder 5 and then to select the lead of ROM1 according to the decoded address, along with branch control part 6 to control circuit 3 in accordance with the set state of conditional FF7. After this, ROM1 is divided to block 1 and 2 to be located together corresponding to the number of branch and then to be folded in the same number as the word branch.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1979,JPO&Japio,下面是Signal control unit专利的具体信息内容。







