Lawn aerating and dressing means

申请号 US35554973 申请日 1973-04-30 公开(公告)号 US3881553A 公开(公告)日 1975-05-06
摘要 Means for aerating and dressing lawns in a single operation including a cage member supported on a handle and having a plurality of pluggers projecting therefrom. As the pluggers are forced into and pulled out of the lawn, plugs of earth are forced into the interior of cage member and broken up therein. The cage member is provided with openings to allow the broken pieces of earth to be scattered onto the lawn as a form of top dressing as the plugging operation is carried out throughout the surface of the lawn.
1. Means for the aerating and top dressing of a lawn in a single operation comprising means for receiving plugs of earth from the lawn, a plurality of pluggers mounted on and projecting from said plug receiving means for penetrating into the lawn surface and removing a plug of earth therefrom, said pluggers having a tubular construction for delivering removed plugs through the inner ends thereof to said plug receiving means and breaking means including a surface provided adjacent the inner end of each plugger, extending perpendicular to the axis of each plugger across the inner ends thereof and spaced therefrom a distance less than the length of a removed plug so as to be impinged upon by such plugs for causing plugs entering said plug receiving means from said pluggers to be broken up, said plug receiving means including a hollow cylindrical member having a plurality of openings throughout the surface thereof through which the broken pieces of earth may pass onto the top surface of the lawn to provide a top dressing, said breaking means including a cylindrical weight means mounted concentrically within said cylindrical member, the periphery of said weight means providing said surface adjacent the inner end of each plugger.
2. Aerating means according to claim 1 wherein said tubular pluggers have a cross-sectional area at the end thereof whereat the plugger penetrates the lawn which is less than the cross-sectional area of the plugger at the portion thereof adjacent said plug receiving means.
3. Aerating means according to claim 2 wherein said pluggers are tapered and conical.
4. Aerating means according to claim 1 wherein said pluggers are arranged in a plurality of rows and are spaced circumferentially around said cylindrical member to extend radially outwardly therefrom.
5. Aerating means according to claim 4 wherein said cylindrical weight means provides a substantial weight for insuring penetration of said pluggers into the lawn, and a pair of end plates closing the ends of said cylindrical member, said end plates being mounted for rotation within said cylindrical member.
6. Aerating means according to claim 5 including a pair of auxiliary weights and means for removably supporting said auxiliary weights outwardly of said cylindrical member.
7. Aerating means according to claim 6 including an axle means on which said cylindrical member is mounted, handle means extending from and connected to said axle means, said handle means having an extending portion, and wheel means mounted on said extending portion, said extending portion being constructed and arranged so that said wheel means is supportable above ground when said aerating means is moved along the ground with said cylindrical member supported on the ground and so that said aerating means may be moved along the ground with said wheel means in contact therewith and with said cylindrical member and said pluggers supported above the ground.
8. Aerating means according to claim 6 including three rows of pluggers, the outer rows of said pluggers having the ends thereof truncated angUlarly to form a spike-like member, and the middle row having squared off ends, the pluggers in each row being staggered circumferentially with respect to pluggers in an adjacent row.
9. Aerating means according to claim 5 wherein said end plates provide approximately 40 per cent of the weight necessary to force said pluggers into the ground under average conditions.