序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
61 ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEM HAVING TRANSFERRABLE LIFE SUPPORT CART US12135244 2008-06-09 US20080236054A1 2008-10-02 Dennis J. Gallant; Dennis M. Lanci; John P. Biondo
An architectural system adaptable to patient acuity level has a headwall unit with a cavity, a ceiling unit, and a column coupled to the ceiling unit. The column is movable between a first position in which at least a majority of the column is situated in the cavity and a second position in which the column is situated outside the cavity. Various types of patient-care equipment is also disclosed. The patient-care equipment is included in, or is coupleable to, one or more of the ceiling unit, the headwall unit, or the column.
62 Ceiling-mounted overbed table US10885369 2004-07-06 US07219472B2 2007-05-22 Dennis J. Gallant; Dennis M. Lanci; John P. Biondo
An architectural system adaptable to patient acuity level has a headwall unit with a cavity, a ceiling unit, and a column coupled to the ceiling unit. The column is movable between a first position in which at least a majority of the column is situated in the cavity and a second position in which the column is situated outside the cavity. Various types of patient-care equipment is also disclosed. The patient-care equipment is included in, or is coupleable to, one or more of the ceiling unit, the headwall unit, or the column.
63 Patient care equipment transfer between hospital bed and architectural system US11605018 2006-11-28 US20070068089A1 2007-03-29 Dennis Gallant; Dennis Lanci; John Biondo
An architectural system adaptable to patient acuity level has a headwall unit with a cavity, a ceiling unit, and a column coupled to the ceiling unit. The column is movable between a first position in which at least a majority of the column is situated in the cavity and a second position in which the column is situated outside the cavity. Various types of patient-care equipment is also disclosed. The patient-care equipment is included in, or is coupleable to, one or more of the ceiling unit, the headwall unit, or the column.
64 PATIENT CARE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM US11422476 2006-06-06 US20060207026A1 2006-09-21 David Newkirk; Mark Graham; Steven Schwartz; Michael Cerimele; John Ruehl
An equipment support system has a first telescoping arm and a second telescoping arm. The arms are pivotable relative to a room wall about a generally vertical axis and are extendable and retractable along respective generally horizontal axes. A first equipment support is coupled to the first telescoping arm and is configured to support patient care equipment thereon. A second equipment support is coupled to the second telescoping arm and is configured to support patient care equipment thereon.
65 Medical accessory support US11259676 2005-10-26 US20060038098A1 2006-02-23 Darrell Metz; John Biondo
An accessory support apparatus for use with a patient support includes a handle positioned adjacent an end of the patient support. A coupler is configured to couple the handle to the patient support. An accessory is coupled to the handle.
66 Hospital bed US10832599 2004-04-27 US06993799B2 2006-02-07 L. Dale Foster; Ryan Anthony Reeder; John David Vogel
A patient support apparatus is disclosed including a patient support and a powered transport device to facilitate movement of a patient support.
67 Medical device carrier with a docking station US11077379 2005-03-11 US20050206107A1 2005-09-22 Werner Schubert; Rudolf Marka; Peter Mueller
A mobile medical equipment cart with a docking device for docking against a side or end face of a hospital bed includes an arm having a receptacle adapted to engage a feature of a hospital bed and a spring biasing the arm against the received feature of the hospital bed against which the cart is docked, thereby securing the cart to the bed.
68 Headwall US11005583 2004-12-06 US20050102912A1 2005-05-19 Dennis Gallant; Dennis Lanci; Carl Riley
A headwall is adapted for use with a bed in a room of a healthcare facility. The headwall comprises a service delivery unit movable relative to a wall of the room between a storage position and a use position allowing the bed to dock to the service delivery unit to receive one or more services from the service delivery unit. It is disclosed to use the headwall to provide services to patient care equipment mounted to a side rail of the bed. Such patient care equipment is, for example, a chest drainage unit, an infusion unit, or a vacuum bandage unit.
69 Patient care equipment management system US10802289 2004-03-17 US20050000019A1 2005-01-06 David Newkirk; Mark Graham; Steven Schwartz; Michael Cerimele; John Ruehl
An equipment management system provides an equipment support for supporting patient care equipment. The equipment support may be mountable on an arm that extends from a wall, on a column depending from the arm, on a wall mount, on a stand, or on a patient support. Various methods may be used to vertically move the equipment support up and down to engage and disengage the equipment support from supporting devices.
70 Hospital bed US10832599 2004-04-27 US20040194210A1 2004-10-07 L. Dale Foster; Ryan Anthony Reeder; John David Vogel
A patient support apparatus is disclosed including a patient support and a powered transport device to facilitate movement of a patient support.
71 Method and apparatus for linking an ambulatory IV rack and a medical patient carrier US10271498 2002-10-16 US20040075228A1 2004-04-22 Charles T. Duffey
The method and apparatus of the present invention provides a mechanical linkage device for attaching a medical patient transport vehicle to an ambulatory intravenous carrier rack. Since the preferred embodiment of the present invention provides adjustability, the medical transport device can be a bed, a child's wagon, a wheelchair, or any other transport device that has a rigid axel allowing the device to be attached.
72 Hospital bed US10085855 2002-02-28 US06694548B2 2004-02-24 L. Dale Foster; Ryan Anthony Reeder; John David Vogel
A hospital bed is provided for support of a patient. The hospital bed includes a base, a patient support coupled to the base, and a walker dockable to the patient support.
73 Medical accessory support US09874486 2001-06-05 US06585206B2 2003-07-01 Darrell L. Metz; John P. Biondo
An accessory support apparatus for use with a patient support includes a body including a plurality of accessory couplers. A coupler is configured to couple the body to the patient support for pivotable movement about an axis of rotation. A latch is configured to lock the body selectively in one of a plurality of different positions relative to the patient support.
74 Architectural system adaptable to patient acuity level US10154314 2002-05-23 US20030014817A1 2003-01-23 Dennis J. Gallant; Dennis M. Lanci
An architectural system adaptable to patient acuity level has a headwall unit with a cavity, a ceiling unit, and a column coupled to the ceiling unit. The column is movable between a first position in which at least a majority of the column is situated in the cavity and a second position in which the column is situated outside the cavity. Various types of patient-care equipment is also disclosed. The patient-care equipment is included in, or is coupleable to, one or more of the ceiling unit, the headwall unit, or the column.
75 Headwall US10154312 2002-09-26 US20030009952A1 2003-01-16 Dennis J. Gallant; Dennis M. Lanci; Carl W. Riley
A headwall is adapted for use with a bed in a room of a healthcare facility. The headwall comprises a service delivery unit movable relative to a wall of the room between a storage position and a use position allowing the bed to dock to the service delivery unit to receive one or more services from the service delivery unit. It is disclosed to use the headwall to provide services to patient care equipment mounted to a side rail of the bed. Such patient care equipment is, for example, a chest drainage unit, an infusion unit, or a vacuum bandage unit.
76 Personal care module US10061597 2002-02-01 US20020174483A1 2002-11-28 Dennis J. Gallant
A personal care module for use by a patient within a room of a healthcare facility comprises a first washing station, at least one of a toilet and a second washing station, and a housing coupled to the first washing station and the at least one of the toilet and the second washing station.
The present invention relates to an apparatus and method to facilitate upgrading of a standard, general care hospital room to a critical room. More particularly, the present invention relates to an improved apparatus and method for providing seamless critical care services to a patient in a hospital room and during transport of the patient within the hospital.
78 Apparatus and method for upgrading a hospital room US09406464 1999-09-27 US06360389B1 2002-03-26 Dennis J. Gallant; John W. Ruehl; John C. Gray; Edward W. Catton
A mobile care cart includes a latch mechanism for coupling the cart to a hospital bed during transport of the bed. The care cart includes an on-board battery and gas supply for supplying electrical and gas outlets, respectively, on the care cart for use by equipment during transport. The care cart is nestable against a headwall when in the hospital room and includes first and second connectors for coupling the electrical and gas supply outlets on the cart to electrical and gas supplies separate from the care cart when the care cart is in a hospital room. The first and second connectors automatically switches to the on-board battery and gas supply to provide an uninterrupted gas and electrical supply during transport when the cart is disconnected from the electrical and gas supplies separate from the care cart for transport.
79 Manifold and regulator apparatus US09973653 2001-10-09 US20020029805A1 2002-03-14 Dennis J. Gallant; John W. Ruehl; John C. Gray; Edward W. Catton; Jerome B. Batta
A manifold assembly is provided which includes a manifold block having a gas inlet and a gas outlet. The block also includes a regulator inlet in a planar surface of the manifold block which is connected to the gas inlet. The regulator outlet is also provided in the planar surface spaced from the regulator inlet and connected to the gas outlet. A regulator is mounted to the manifold block at the planar surface and includes an inlet and outlet on a common wall of the regulator. The inlet and outlet of the regulator have the same spacing as and communicates with the regulator inlet and outlet of the manifold block. In the preferred embodiment, one of the inlet and outlet of the regulator is annular and encompasses the other.
80 Mobile medical supply device US09504686 2000-02-15 US06343601B1 2002-02-05 Siegfried Kiske; Hans-Karsten Reimers
A mobile medical supply device with a supply apparatus, especially an anesthesia apparatus, with a plurality of supply and drain lines. To make simple handling possible in connection with the moving along of the supply and drain lines during the movement of the supply apparatus (12) and to make it at the same time possible to install the entire device simply and inexpensively, the supply apparatus (12) can be moved on rollers (14) and a ceiling fixture (2) with a rotatably suspended multilink arm (4) is provided, which arm carries a frame (8) at its end away from the axis of rotation of the ceiling fixture (2), so that the frame (8) is movable due to the rotation of the multilink arm (4) and the pivoting of the links (5, 6) of the arm in relation to one another. Furthermore, a mechanical connection (10) is provided between the supply apparatus (12) and the frame (8), and the connection (10) has clearance for vertical movements between the frame (8) and the supply apparatus (12), so that unevennesses of the floor can be compensated during the movement of the supply apparatus (12) without load on the ceiling fixture. The frame (8) is provided with a supply and drain lines suspending apparatus. The supply apparatus (12) of the device can thus be moved and supply and drain lines suspended on the frame (8) are carried automatically and simple handling is thus possible. At the same time, the ceiling fixture (2) may be designed as a simple and inexpensive ceiling fixture because of the low load to which it is subjected.