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Method of harvesting peanuts


专利汇可以提供Method of harvesting peanuts专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且The peanut vines with the peanuts adhering thereto are first dug and deposited with their vines or a portion of them buried in the ground and the peanuts extending upwardly therefrom so that they may be accessible for harvesting either by hand or by machinery after several days. In this manner the familiar flavor of the peanuts is retained and the development of mold or other injurious organism is prevented or deterred.,下面是Method of harvesting peanuts专利的具体信息内容。

1. In a method of treating peanuts which includes the steps of initially digging the peanuts without separation from the vines, inverting the peanuts and vines so that the peanuts extend upwardly from the vines and subsequently separating the peanuts from the vines; the improvement which comprises the step of at least partially burying the vines in the ground after digging, leaving the peanuts adhering to the vines and projecting upwardly into the air for drying for several days while continuing to draw nutriment form the vines, prior to separation of the peanuts from the vines.
2. The step as defined in claim 1 wherein the vines are buried from about 2 days to 3 weeks after digging and before removal of the peanuts.
3. The step as defined in claim 1 wherein the vines are buried for about 5 days after digging and before removal of the peanuts.
4. A method of treating peanuts which comprises digging the peanuts without separation from the vines, inverting the vines and peanuts, then burying the vines in the ground as defined in claim 1, and thereafter separating the peanuts from the vines.
5. A method of treating peanuts which comprises digging the peanuts without separation from the vines, inverting the vines and peanuts, then burying the vines in the ground as defined in claim 1, and thereafter separating the peanuts from the vines and subsequently roasting the peanuts.
6. The method according to claim 5 wherein the vines are buried from about 2 days to 3 weeks after digging and before removal of the peanuts.
7. The method according to claim 5 wherein the vines are buried for about 5 days after digging and before removal of the peanuts.






