专利汇可以提供COMPRESSOR SYSTEM AND METHOD AND CONTROL FOR SAME专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且An electronic control system (52) and method for controlling and preventing damage to a stand alone or network of oil free, two stage compressor packages (50). To prevent the occurrence of a high temperature condition and subsequent seizure of the compressor, pressure (76, 72) and temperature (60, 62, 58) sensors are disposed at strategic locations in the compressor package. The electronic control system (52) detects and predicts failure based on pressure and temperature differentials and shuts the compressors (54, 56) down before actual failure. The electronic control system (52) records the shutdown parameters in non volatile memory and displays a reason for shutdown. A plurality of electronic control systems (52) can be connected in a peer-to-peer network to coordinate control of a plurality of compressors connected to the same air distribution system.,下面是COMPRESSOR SYSTEM AND METHOD AND CONTROL FOR SAME专利的具体信息内容。
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