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System for matching of buyers and sellers with risk minimization


专利汇可以提供System for matching of buyers and sellers with risk minimization专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A risk control matching system for trading instrument, such as foreign exchange currencies, is provided in which bids are automaticall matched against offer for given trading instruments for automatically providing matching transactoins in order to complete trades for the given trading instruments, and broken trades are readily identified with a minimization of risk to the parties to a potential matching transaction. The system comprises a host computer (20) for maintaining a book database (118) comprising all of the active bids and offers in the system by trading instrument, a transaction originating keystation (24a) for providing a bid on a given trading insrument, a counterparty keystation (24b) for providing an offer on the given trading instrument a network (22) for interconnecting the host (20) and the kestation (24, 25b), and a plurality of transacton deks (70a, 70b, 70c), connected to the host (20) for detecting the occurrence of the potential matching transaction and "voting" on whether to commit to the match. Positive match acknowledgment signals are provided to the host (20) by the keystations (24) involved in the trade in response to receipt of match notification signals form the host (20). IKf one of these signals is not received back, the host (20) detects a broken trade to have occured. Each of the keystations (24) provides an application based heartbeat signal to the host (20) which enables rapid detection of keystation (24) failure. In the event of detection of such keystation (24) failure, the host (20) cancels all bids and offers associated with the failed keystation (24).,下面是System for matching of buyers and sellers with risk minimization专利的具体信息内容。







