Seating furniture whose side paddings are each dressable with rectangular covers

申请号 EP83109281.2 申请日 1983-09-19 公开(公告)号 EP0111641A2 公开(公告)日 1984-06-27
申请人 SAPORITI ITALIA S.p.A.; 发明人 Offredi, Giovanni;
摘要 A seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, comprising a four walled housing (12, 13, 14, 14') providing a structure (1) for cushions (2, 2', 2") and back (3, 3', 3") and arm (4 and 4') paddings, is characterized in that each back (3, 3', 3"), arm (4, 4') et al (12') padding is wrapped up in a substantially rectangular covering (03; 03', 03"; 04, 04'; 05) whose size exceeds for each of them the corresponding padding developed size, whereby corresponding frame housing wall portions, are included in their wrapping up, any wrapping up member (03, 03', 03"; 04, 04'; 05) being provided by at least one fastening pile ribbon length (220, 221, 222, 223; 321, 321', 321"; 504, 504') of the kind traded with trade mark Velcron confronting a complementary one (120, 121, 122, 123; 321, 321', 321"; 444, 444') fixedly attached to the sides of frame housing walls.
权利要求 1. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, comprising a four walled housing (12, 13, 14, 14') providing a structure (1) for cushions (2, 2', 2") and back (3, 3', 3") and arm (4 and 4') paddings, characterized in that each back (3, 3',3"), arm (4,4') et al (12') padding is wrapped up in a substantially rectangular covering (03, 03', 03"; 04, 04'; 05) whose size exceeds for each of them the corresponding padding developed size, whereby corresponding frame housing wall portions, are included in their wrapping up, any wrapping up member (03, 03', 03"; 04, 04'; 05) being provided by at least one fastening pile ribbon lenght (220, 221, 222, 223; 321, 321', 321"; 504, 504')of the kind traded with trade mark Velcron confronting a complementary one (120, 121, 122, 123; 321, 321', 321"; 444, 444') fixedly attached to the sides of frame housing walls.2. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that fastening pile ribbon lengths (120, 121, 122, 123; 321, 321', 321"; 444, 444') providing a connection with frame housing (1) are fixedly mounted to the bottom housing wall (12).3. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that the fastening pile ribbon lengths mounted to the bottom housing wall (12) are fixed on the upperside and bottomside of same (12).4. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 3, characterized in that ribbons (120, 121, 122, 123) fixed on the bottom side of bottom housing wall (12) are fixedly placed along its perimetral edge.5. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 3, characterized in that three ( 321, 321', 321") longitudinal and two transversal (444, 444') fastening pile ribbon lengths are fixedly placed on the upper side of bottom housing wall (12).6. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the fastening pile ribbon lengths (220, 221, 222, 223; 321, 321', 321"; 504, 504') applied to the confronting covering sections they are fixed to their edges particularly on the back of displaied sides and on undisplaied sides.7. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the covering members (03, 03', 03"; 04, 04'; 05) are in a number equal to the number of arms (4, 4'), plus number of back padding members (3, 3', 3") plus one (12').8. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 7, characterized in that the covering members (03, 03', 03") wrapping up the back are, when loosen flat in the form of a cross and the other ones (04, 04'; 05) are of rectangular form.9. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 7, characterized in that covering members (04, 04') wrapping up the arm paddings (4, 4') have a joint coupling of the kind button-eye (41, 42) fashion.10. Seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, as claimed in claim 9, characterized in that the button (41) is provided by a bolt head and the eye (42) by a "U"-shaped flat member (42') slipable in a pocket (43) provided on the back of the covering members (04, 04') wrapping up the arms (4, 4').

The present invention relates to seating furniture, of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, comprising a generally four walled housing providing a structure for one or more seating cushions and vertical paddings comprising backs and arms characterized in that charaeterized in that each back, arm et al padding is wrapped up in a substantially rectangular covering whose size exceeds for each of them the corresponding padding developed size, whereby corresponding frame housing wall portions, are included in their wrapping up, any wrapping up member being provided by at least one fastening pile ribbon lenght of the kind traded with trade mark Velcron confronting a complementary one, fixedly attached to the sides of frame housing walls.

Seating furniture of the armchair or multiplace lounge kind, comprising a four walled housing supporting the seating cushions the back ad arm paddings and the like is provided with one or more coverings is known heretofore. This dressing has heretofore been provided substantially in two fashions: by fixedly mounting the covering e.g. by sticking, nailing or the like; or by providing ready made bags generally sewed. Provision, mountage and substitution of these covering was difficult, expansive and time consuming. Another drawback of said seating furniture was that the user could not self make, remove substitute easily such coverings.

The invention as claimed is intended to remedy this drawbacks. The advantages offered by the invention are mainly that the seating furniture sections to be covered are wrapped up with sheet members substantially of rectangular shape. Such wrapping up may at any time and for any reason be loosened and a fresh wrapping up provided. These advantages are available both to producers and user of seating furniture. Producers may provide stocks of unwrapped up seating furniture and stocks of loosen covering members waiting to couple them for the costumer orders. Un the other hand users may loose, change or simply remove for washing, cleaning, repairing, substituting or the like, one more or all covering members. Due to their simplicity covering members may be self made and wrapped up even by the user.

One way of carrying out out the invention is described in detail below with reference to drawings which illustrate only one specific embodiment, in which:

  • Figure 1 is a perspective side view showing, in a reduced scale, a seat comprising a three place lounge including a four walled frame which support the seating cushions and vertical padding providing the back and the arms dressed with rectangular coverings, according to the present invention.
  • Figure 2 is substantially a repetition of figure 1 wherein a sideview of seating furniture is provided showing the bottom.
  • Figure 3 is substantially a repetition of figure 1 wherein from the housing a covering portion of sheat is loosened.
  • Figure 4 is substantially a repetition of figures 1, 2 and 3 but showing particularly a sheat portion covering a housing side and an arm, wherein a portion providing the arm dressing a fastening botton is disconnected so as to comprise a flap in the form of a cocker ear.
  • Figure 5 is substantially a repetition of figure 4 but upon loosening of that portion of covering providing an eyelet. r
  • Figure 6 is a front view of seating furniture of figures from 1 to 5 wherein an arm padding is remove and shown substantially uncovered.
  • Figure 7 is substantially a repetition of figure 6 wherein the uncovered arm padding is set in place and its removed covering is shown on the left.
  • Figure 8 is substantially a repetition of figure 6 wherein the fabric arm covering the arm padding is shown at the foot of lounge in a substantially loosen fashion.
  • Figure 9 is substantially a repetition of figure 8 but upon removal from the lounge of the right cushion, and furhter displacement of arm padding. From the front side and from the back of housing portions of covering are folded back to show their features.
  • Figure 10 is substantially a repetition of figure 9 wherein the right cushion is removed and placed upside down in front of the lounge and partially opened. Coverings are further folded back.
  • Figure 11 represents the lounge as shown at figures from to 10 wherein the right back padding and its cross shaped covering are shown in front of the lounge, the latter being loose and flat upside down so as allow to be seen the same and the housing.
  • Figure 12 shows the lounge as shown figures from 1 to 11 wherein further members are removed and/or folded back.

Referring now to figures from 1 to 11 of the drawings a threeplace seating furniture, is shown which conventionally comprises a housing 1 with four walls 12, 13, 14, 14' which holds thereon the seating cushions 2, 2', 2" and side paddings providing backs 3, 3', 3" and arms 4, 4'. According to the present invention each of substantially vertical padding member, i.e., back mebers 3, 3', 3" and arm padding members 4, 4' are each dressed with a flat rectangular cover 03, 03', 03", 04, 04' to be spoken of in the following. An additional rectangular covering member 05 covers the front edge 12', of housing bottom wall 12 which is slightly padded. Even of this covering member it will be spoken with in the following.

It will be appreciated that cushions 2, 2', 2" are dressed or covered in a conventional fashion. In fact, as shown at figure 10 are sheated in a bag-like covering whose bottom is provided with a zip fastener 20.

Paddings 3, 3', 3" are fixed to the housing back wall by bunging them on a number of hooks 300 which receive therein a rod 333 fastened to the back side of paddings 3, 3', 3". Whereas arm paddings 4, 4' , are kept in place by being fit between cushions and sides of housing 1. A further connection between arm padding and housing is obtained trough the covering an attachment being provided between the pins of ribbon fastened engaging the pins of a ribbon fastened to the housing walls. Such ribbons being of the kind available with the trade mark Velcron. Lengths of this ribbon are fastened to the upper side of housing bottom wall 12 so as to provide four side ribboned edges 120, 121, 122, 123 to receive the piles of corresponding bands 220, 221, 222, 223 which are banded with the same ribbon as that banding coverings 04; 03, 03', 03"; 05 e 04'. Also the upperside of bottom housing wall 12 is provided with piled ribbons. More particularly three piled ribbon lengths 321, 321', 321" are arranged longitudinally, fixedly attached to the upper surface of bottom housing wall 12, while two transversal ones 444, 444' are transversally attached to the end side of said upper surface of bottom housing wall 12. The pile of such ribbon lengths 321, 321', 321"; 444, 444' clutches removably with corresponding piled ribbon lengths 521, 521', 521", 504, 504' respectively which are fixedly attached to the underside of coverings 03, 03', 03"; 04, 04'; respectively. It will be appreciated that, as shown in the drawings, coverings 03, 03', 03"; 04, 04'; are substantially of rectangular shape or as shown in figures 11 and 12 comprised by three rectangular sheets arranged in the form of a cross. A rectangular central sheet 030, 030', is provided with rectangular flaps 031, 032; 031', 032'; respectively. Whereas the final fastening of arm coverings 04, 04' is provided by engagement of button 41, comprised by a bolt head, onto the eye 42 comprised by an opening provided in an "U" shaped flat member slipedly mounted in a pocket 43 provided on the back side of covering members 04, 04'.

It is to be understood that the foregoing description serves only to illustrate one fonn the seating furniture of the invention may take, and that variations may be made thereto without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the following claims.
